Monday, April 29, 2019

My Tips For Successful Online Dating

I've dabbled a bit in online dating. It can be pretty frustrating. I've had several dating failures but I've also had several dating successes. When I talk about dating success, I don't mean that it ends in a long-term relationship or marriage. I mean, you met the guy and you both want to get to know each other more. I see that as success with online dating. You might go through a few guys before you find the one. That's unavoidable. The good thing is that you can learn from each man you date. Even if the relationship doesn't work out, there is something to be gained. You learn what you want or don't want in a future partner. Now without further ado, here are my tips for online dating success!

  • Fill out your profile completely. Stop with that "message me for more info" crap. You won't get messages from anyone decent. I'm not saying you have to say where exactly you live but at least write about what you like to do and what's important to you.
  • Leave the negativity off of your profile. I click on so many profiles only to see "I don't know why I am on this site anymore." or "There aren't any real women anymore." Just stop. The reason you aren't getting any messages from "real women" is that you are being negative and we aren't looking for a guy who is negative. You may not be negative in person but remember all we see when we click on your profile is negativity. 
  • Make your dealbreakers known. Put that out there what your dealbreakers are and don't let anyone waste your time. Yeah, that person may be hot or nice but if they do something that is a dealbreaker, then you really should just move on.
  • Read a person's profile before you message them. I get so many guys who message me without reading my profile. I can tell by what they ask me or if they act surprised when I talk about my faith or something major. You would have known about it if you had taken the time to read my profile.
  • Take the time to write a thoughtful message. Don't just type "Hey." Ask questions. What do you have in common with the person you are messaging? 
  • Don't be creepy! Stop with the "hey babe" or "I dreamed about being in bed with you last night." messages. It's weird and creepy! I have gotten messages like that before and it's a guaranteed block.
  • Don't waste your time (or somebody else's time). It kind of goes along with the above. If you don't have anything in common, move on. If you don't feel a connection after you meet up, move on.
  • Don't ghost. This is so annoying when you are chatting with someone or already met them and they just disappear. I understand if you lose interested but at least message them "Hey, I just don't feel a connection with you and I do not want to lead you on." At least say something and inform them that you do not want to proceed.
I hope this helps! Do you have any tips or advice about online dating that I didn't list above?