Tuesday, April 23, 2019

5 Things About Me

Hello and welcome to my brand new blog! I'm excited to jump into some content and I have the day off from work today so I will be working on my blog today. I'm going to be writing and scheduling posts and working on my About Me page. Stay tuned! I thought I'd introduce myself a little more by telling you five things about me. Everything I tell you will probably appear later in my blog in some form or another.

  1. I love adventure! I love to travel and explore new places. I didn't get to travel a lot growing up but when I did travel, I loved it. I'm starting to travel more as an adult and I have a lot of places on my travel bucket list to visit.
  2. I'm a farm kid! I grew up on a small farm in Virginia. I don't plan on having a farm of my own because I want to travel but I love living in the country and I love animals. I wouldn't trade my childhood for anything else.
  3. I'm a Christian! I am a believer in Jesus and you will see a lot of Christian themed content on my blog. On my old blog, I used to do scripture Sundays where I wrote about a Bible verse and what it meant to me. Look for that on this blog too!
  4. I'm adopted! I was adopted when I was three years old. What does this have to do with my blog? Well, I am in contact with my birth parents and I've always been interested in my heritage. I want to explore my heritage a little more and possibly share my findings with y'all.
  5. I love to cook! I've always enjoyed cooking and mom started letting me cook when I was pretty small. I would love to share some recipes and some of my creations here on the blog so check back for some food-related content too.
I'd love to hear from you. Tell me something about you! Do you post about it on your blog?


  1. Looking forward to read more about your heritage and if you did a DNA test etc. Welcome to blogging world:))

    1. Thank you! I haven't done a DNA test but it is something I would love to do. I have a basic idea of what my heritage is but I would like to confirm it with some testing. Some of my heritage you can tell by just looking at me or if you know what my biological last name is. I'll totally share my findings especially when I do the DNA test. Thanks for stopping by!
