Tuesday, April 23, 2019

5 Things About Me

Hello and welcome to my brand new blog! I'm excited to jump into some content and I have the day off from work today so I will be working on my blog today. I'm going to be writing and scheduling posts and working on my About Me page. Stay tuned! I thought I'd introduce myself a little more by telling you five things about me. Everything I tell you will probably appear later in my blog in some form or another.

  1. I love adventure! I love to travel and explore new places. I didn't get to travel a lot growing up but when I did travel, I loved it. I'm starting to travel more as an adult and I have a lot of places on my travel bucket list to visit.
  2. I'm a farm kid! I grew up on a small farm in Virginia. I don't plan on having a farm of my own because I want to travel but I love living in the country and I love animals. I wouldn't trade my childhood for anything else.
  3. I'm a Christian! I am a believer in Jesus and you will see a lot of Christian themed content on my blog. On my old blog, I used to do scripture Sundays where I wrote about a Bible verse and what it meant to me. Look for that on this blog too!
  4. I'm adopted! I was adopted when I was three years old. What does this have to do with my blog? Well, I am in contact with my birth parents and I've always been interested in my heritage. I want to explore my heritage a little more and possibly share my findings with y'all.
  5. I love to cook! I've always enjoyed cooking and mom started letting me cook when I was pretty small. I would love to share some recipes and some of my creations here on the blog so check back for some food-related content too.
I'd love to hear from you. Tell me something about you! Do you post about it on your blog?