"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters..." Colossians 3:23
I love this verse. I find it very motivating, especially when I don't want to work or whatever work I am doing is hard. The basic gist of the verse is to give it up to the lord. Whatever you are doing, stop and thank the Lord. Tell the Lord, you are doing this job for Him. When I do a task without giving it up to the Lord, I find it harder. I also find it harder to respect my bosses or whoever is in charge of whatever I am doing. If I turn to the Lord and work for the Lord, the task becomes easier or at least I find that I have a better attitude about it. This makes me think of a story my mother tells me. Her great aunt Anna used to stop and give everything up to the Lord. When she pulled out the vacuum, she'd pause and say "Lord, I give this chore to you." I love this story and it reminds me to have a joyful heart when doing my chores. I hope this Bible verse and my thoughts on are encouraging for you whether it has to do with household chores or the job you go to every day!